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Kat Mahoney

EDUtainment for Personal & Professional Growth

The Story Behind The "Katbrat" Brand

Kat Mahoney has had a love for all things technology since she was 13 and received her first Commedore64!  Since then she has been an avid video gamer and tester, STEAM advocate, and one of the first females in web designing at Hawaii Pacific University during the DOTcom Boom of 1996 where she taught basic HTML to small businesses at the Hawaii Technology Expo!


During her years in college while her husband was military, she made a name for herself as one of the few female gamers who ran some of the largest guilds and brought them to the Top charts for PVP and Raid  Battles. Thus, as a military brat turned spouse, she  earned the nickname "Katbrat".


​Today Katbrat leads Katbrat Studios with her adult kids and her husband of 32 years, retired USAF Flight Engineer, and Certified FAA Drone Pilot, while also advocating on the positive impacts of gamification and EDUtainment through Katbrat EDUtainment

Kat Mahoney
Mindful Gaming Crew in Washington DC

Work Life Balance

As a seasoned professional in educational entertainment, Kat Mahoney has made significant contributions to the mental health landscape, having presented at Mental Health America in Washington, D.C. and serving as an advisor on the Google Health & Technology Team. She was also a keynote speaker at the Governor's Military Mental Health Conference and the founder of a non-profit dedicated to supporting military children. Additionally, she has established herself as a leading critic for Google Local Reviews, garnering over 3 million review views as she focuses on careers, technology, dining, and travel for families, veterans, and individuals with disabilities, special needs, and those aged 50 and above.

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